Friday 23 November 2012

new series "inner beauty"

I came up with this idea on a friday night after a few sneaky whiskeys whilst listening to the classic rock of jimmy Hendrix, i saw the idea of expressing the feelings that are inside a human to come out and show that we are more then a machine. 

"the idealist"



Thursday 25 October 2012

Saturday 22 September 2012


this work is about how our innocence can be taken from us within a flash, how we where once pure, and how we are like paper and can be torn to pieces from war. really this work has many meanings it is really a work designed for the viewers to be drawn in and to decide there own meaning from this art work.    

Sunday 9 September 2012

my inspiration

i have to say i love this song to much, it is a big part of my work :)

Monday 27 August 2012

did a human form shoot

did a human form shoot the other week using a firn as a prop came very handy.

i love film

being the photographer that i am i still love film and currently in the process of building a dark from where i can have my place of zin and just relax under a red light ha :) 

i will also be selling my limited edition prints with my own framing and a store will be made in the future.

i will keep in touch thank you all 

happy blogging :)